FGD of Election Supervisory Board Discussed the Revised Election Law
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Jakarta, Election Supervisory Board - In response to the planned revision of the Election Law which will be incorporated into the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) 2016, the Election Supervisory Board of the republic of Indonesia held a focused group discussion (FGD) on the revised plan to provide some sort of input or recommendation.

Election Supervisory Board: Incumbents Tended to Misuse Authorities
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Jakarta, Election Supervisory Board - Chairman of the Election Supervisory Board o fthe republic of Indonesia, Nelson Simanjuntak, stressed the importance of strengthening the Election Supervisory Committee in response to movements of incumbent regional head candidates in the simultaneous election for local leaders on December 9.

Election Supervisory Board Found Abuse of Campaign Props
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Bontang, Election Supervisory Board - Several municipal police officers accompanied by the police and the members of East Kalimantan Provincial Election Supervisory Board and Bontang Election Supervisory Committee removed a few billboards of Regional Governmental Agencies that showed the photograph of the Candidate of Bontang Mayor at some road points of the Bontang Regency. The curbing of billboard was witnessed directly by the Chairman of Election Supervisory Board of the Republic of Indonesia, Nasrullah.

Peaceful Election for Local Leaders Shows a Democratic Election
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Yogyakarta, Election Supervisory Board - Election is a process of peaceful change of power, and is performed regularly in accordance with the principles outlined by the constitution. Thus, the elections characterized by violence, intimidation and destruction indicates that the election / election for local leaders has been already out of the essence of election.

Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Held a Meeting with Political Party Elites
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Jakarta, Election Supervisory Board - Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs held a meeting with political party elites in Hotel Borobudur, Central Jakarta, Friday (16/10) afternoon. The meeting discussed the simultaneous election for local leaders Unison 2015 in the next few days.

Election Supervisory Board Monitored the Simulation of Election for Local Leaders for Single Candidate in Tasikmalaya Regency
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Singaparna, Elections Supervisory Board – Chairman of Election Supervisory Board of the Republic of Indonesia, Daniel Zuchron accompanied by Chairman of West Java Provincial Election Supervisory Board, Harminus Koto and Election Supervisory Committee of Tasikmalaya Regency directly monitored the simulation process of election for local leaders for a single candidate conducted by the Election Commission of the Republic of Indonesia, in Singaparna, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java, on Saturday (17/10).

Election Supervisory Board Asked the Political Parties to Optimize Political Education to the Community
Ditulis oleh : Ira Sasmita pada :

Jakarta, Election Supervisory Board of the Republic of Indonesia – Chairman of Election Supervisory Board, Muhammad, requested that the political parties could carry out one of its functions to provide political education to the community properly. Muhammad criticized that the political education function had not been optimally carried out by political parties.

Nasrullah: Take Decisive Actions to the Civil State Apparatus if they are not Neutral
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Jakarta, Election Supervisory Board – The memorandum of understanding about the neutrality of Civil State Apparatus (ASN) in organizing the election for local leaders 2015 agreed by the Elections Supervisory Board, Ministry of Efficient Utilization of State Apparatus – Bureaucracy Reformation, the State Personnel Board, Commission of State Civil Apparatus, and the Ministry of Domestic Affairs at the beginning of October was immediately followed up with an investigation of a number of alleged violations committed by the Civil State Apparatus.

NGO FERMAK Questioned about the Decree of Election Commission of Tasikmalaya Regency
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Jakarta, Election Supervisory Board – Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) FERMAK (Forum Etalase Rakyat Menggugat dan Anti Korupsi) Tasikmalaya Regency visited the Election Supervisory Board office 4th floor to report the case occurred in the implementation of stages of election for local leaders in Tasikamalaya Regency on Thursday night (15/10).

In an Unannounced Inspection to South Tangerang Municipality, the Chairman of Election Supervisory Board of the Republic of Indonesia Curbed the 'Covert' Campaign Props of Candidates of Mayor Election
Ditulis oleh : Ira Sasmita pada :

Serpong, Election Supervisory Board - Chairman Election Supervisory Board of the Republic of Indonesia, Nasrullah in unannounced visits to South Tangerang Municipality, Thursday (15/10) found a few banners and billboards allegedly used as covert campaign props by the incumbent candidate in the election of South Tangerang Mayor. Because it was in contrary to the Regulation of Election Commission No. 7 of 2015 concerning Campaign of Simultaneous Election for Local Leaders 2015, Nasrullah asked the props should be immediately curbed.

Conflict Prevention of Elections Being Shared Responsibility
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Palangkaraya, Election Supervisory Board - Rector of the Institute of Public Administration (IPDN), Suhajar Diantoro said the government made various efforts to expedite the implementation of the election of governors, regents and mayors in 2015, including support in terms of public order and safety guarding. However, he asserts that oversee security order and also prevention of conflicts in the election is not just a matter of law enforcement officers.

Because their decision is final and binding, Elections committee reminded to Maintain Integrity
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Jakarta, Election Supervisory Board - The new authority given in Acts No.8 of 2015 concerning the Election of Governors, District Heads, and Mayors to Election Supervisory Board Province and Election Supervisory Committee (Elections committee) in the district/city to resolve the dispute the election process must be carried out with fulfill responsibility. Supervisory Committee are reminded to continue to maintain election integrity in handling the dispute whose decision is final and binding.

The Candidates Can Report to Election Supervisory Board If KPU Discriminatory
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Act No. 8 of 2015 concerning Election of governors, regents, and the mayor has given new powers to the Election Supervisor, namely to resolve the election dispute whose decision is final and binding. Therefore, if the candidates of region head feel aggrieved by KPU, can complain to the Election Supervisory Board.

Enam Bulan Jelang Pilkada, Daerah Masih Terbentur Anggaran
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Jakarta, Badan Pengawas Pemilu - Anggaran tetap menjadi permasalahan yang tengah dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan Pemilihan Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur, Bupati dan Wakil Bupati, serta Walikota dan Wakil Walikota (Pilkada) serentak 2015.  Terkait anggaran untuk Bawaslu sendiri, baru 44 daerah dari 269 daerah yang sudah menandatangani Naskah Perjanjian Hibah Daerah (NPHD) yang menjadi dasar pencairan anggaran untuk Pilkada. Sementara 225 daerah belum melakukan penandatanganan NPHD karena belum disepakati.
DPR Minta Presiden Pastikan Pilkada Sukses
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Jakarta, Badan Pengawas Pemilu – Permasalahan aktual dalam persiapan pemilihan gubernur, bupati, dan wali kota yang akan dilangsungkan kurang dari tujuh bulan kedepan, dinilai bukan lagi berada pada aspek teknis melainkan politis. Kompleksitas politik, baik di tingkat nasional maupun daerah yang terjadi membuat situasi kurang kondusif dan berdampak pada psikologi daerah dalam mempersiapkan pilkada.