Submitted by hendru on

Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - Head of Bawaslu Abhan stated that regional heads of candidates (bapaslon) who brought the masses to the regional election stage process without heeding the Covid-19 health protocol would be given strict sanctions. According to him, the health protocol violators will later be handed over to the authorities for law enforcement.

Submitted by Robi Ardianto on

Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - Bawaslu member Fritz Edward Siregar mentioned four crucial issues of the final voter list (DPT) in Papua. According to him, firstly, there were anomalous voter data in the last four elections in Jayapura, namely the 2014 General Election, the 2017 Mayor Election, and the 2018 Governor Election, and the 2019 General Election.

Submitted by Hendi Purnawan on

Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - Bawaslu member Mochammad Afifuddin views that the simultaneous elections of 2020 during the Covid-19 Pandemic require expensive, heavy, and complicated costs. The reason is there is a mobilization of officers who are not just officers of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS), but also nurses and doctors.

Submitted by christina kart… on

Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - Bawaslu Member Ratna Dewi Pettalolo views, the application of COVID-19 health protocol standards such as washing hands and wearing masks could be a new mode of abuse of voting rights in the 2020 elections. Surely this could happen if the vote was held in December 2020 and applying COVID-19 protocol standards to prevent transmission of the deadly virus.

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