Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - Bawaslu member Mochammad Afifuddin views that the simultaneous elections of 2020 during the Covid-19 Pandemic require expensive, heavy, and complicated costs. The reason is there is a mobilization of officers who are not just officers of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS), but also nurses and doctors.
Afif explained that the elections in the event of a deadly virus pandemic required adjustments to many things so that the health of all voters and organizers was guaranteed. All polling stations (TPS) must be set to health standards. TPS must provide several health needs such as sanitation, ventilation, masks, gloves, hand sanitizers, and body temperature check tools. These needs require no small cost.
"Election options during the Covid-19 Pandemic does not mean that it cannot be implemented. But several new options and extra needs must be made that has never been provided before," he said at the Online Comparative Meeting of Overseas Elections during the COVID-19 Period, which was held by the Staff Office President, Tuesday (05/12/2020).
The former National Coordinator of the People's Voter Education Network (JPPR) added, if the regional election option is to be continued this year then the COVID-19 protocol must be maximized. Because, since the beginning of the stage until the election and inauguration will involve many parties. There are organizers, election participants, and voters. If COVID-19 prevention is not optimal, the potential for spread will be very high.
If postponed, continued the alumni of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, the risk of disease transmission could be reduced. But citizens or voters lose the opportunity to change their representation/government. Also, the ideal period of leadership for five years will be disrupted.
"Many stages are reduced by the period. So it needs to be reconsidered. Because the safety of voters, organizers, and election participants need to be prioritized," he explained.
KPU Chairman Arief Budiman said the KPU could not decide on its own that the election could be held this year or not. Must coordinate with several stakeholders and adjust to current conditions. At present several stages of the election have not yet begun. While the ballot was set on December 9, 2020.
"At the end of May, we will decide on several things that will determine what the future elections will be like," he concluded.
Editor: Jaa Pradana
Photographer: Hendi Purnawan