Submitted by Rama Agusta on
Jakarta, The General Election Supervisory Agency (BAWASLU) - As Vice President of the Global Network on Electoral Justice Network (GNEJ), Bawaslu presented the results of an evaluation of the supervision of the implementation of the 2020 Concurrent Elections. One of them is adjustment of supervision with health protocol standards (prokes) to prevent the spread of covid-19.
Submitted by hendru on

Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - Head of Bawaslu Abhan stated that regional heads of candidates (bapaslon) who brought the masses to the regional election stage process without heeding the Covid-19 health protocol would be given strict sanctions. According to him, the health protocol violators will later be handed over to the authorities for law enforcement.

Submitted by Reyn Gloria on

Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - Chairman of the Election Supervisory Body Abhan admitted, the implementation of the 2020 elections during the co-19 pandemic in December is not easy for the election organizers. Even so, he was optimistic that the implementation could be done well as long as he paid attention to the four main conditions.

Submitted by Reyn Gloria on

Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - Bawaslu launched the latest Election 2020 Election Vulnerability Index (IKP) of Election, as well as 2020 Election Supervisory. In the data collected by Bawaslu, the level of local election vulnerability increased due to the outbreak of COVID-19 infection.

Submitted by Hendi Purnawan on

Jakarta, the Election Supervisory Body - Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the KPU, Bawaslu, and DKPP agreed on the number of voters per polling station (TPS) of a maximum of 500 people. Besides, it was agreed upon the realization of the 2020 local elections budget. This is to adjust the co-19 preventive health protocol.

Submitted by Robi Ardianto on

Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - Chair of Bawaslu Abhan revealed potential violations that could occur during the 2020 Simultaneous Regional Election which was carried out during the co-19 pandemic. He explained, eight potential violations were likely to increase during the implementation of the elections which coincided with the handling of the Covid-19 disaster.

Submitted by Rama Agusta on

Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - Commission II of the House of Representatives approved the proposal for an additional 2020 simultaneous local election organizers to adjust co-19 preventive health protocols. This is in line with the expectations of Bawaslu to improve the supervision of the elections when the co-19 pandemic is still ongoing.

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