Mamber of Bawaslu Fritz Edward Siregar (left) wilt Chairman of Bawaslu Abhan (middle) on forum Global Network on Electoral Justice Network (GNEJ) Thursday, 4 March2021/Photo: Public Relations of Bawaslu RI
Jakarta, The General Election Supervisory Agency (BAWASLU) - As Vice President of the Global Network on Electoral Justice Network (GNEJ), Bawaslu presented the results of an evaluation of the supervision of the implementation of the 2020 Concurrent Elections. One of them is adjustment of supervision with health protocol standards (prokes) to prevent the spread of covid-19.
"Preparations for the supervision of the Simultaneous Election 2020 are carried out with Covid-19 standards," said Bawaslu Member Fritz Edward Siregar, Thursday (3/4/2021) by online.
Accompanied with Chairman Bawaslu Abhan, Fritz said in terms of regulation, adjustment of technical mechanisms for the implementation of supervision, crackdown, and dispute resolution is also carried out with health protocols." Related to this, we (Bawaslu) have been regulated in the Bawaslu Regulation," Fritz said.
Fritz added, in order to enforce the implementation of covid-19 prevention protocols, Bawaslu has initiated as a working group (pokja) covid-19 that handles violations of health protocols in the implementation of the Regional Elections 2020. "The establishment of this pokja contents more or less ensure the requirements of prospective spouses are met in order to implement health protocols," he said.
For the budget is clearly Fritz, derived from refookusing the budget on the fullness of protocol standards in the implementation of technical supervision including the provision of protective health equipment (APD), vitamins, and masks.
In addition to monitoring the election of health surveillance prevention of COVID-19 at the end of the exposure, the Coordinator of the Legal Division, Public Relations, and Information Data Bawaslu also conveyed the results of the evaluation of the handling of violations as well as the resolution of disputes elections of regional heads or preparation of disputes election results in the Constitutional Court.
Translator: Fernanda Alice
Editor: Ranap THS
Fotografer: Robi Ardianto