Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - Election Supervisory Body member Fritz Edward Siregar criticized the health requirements of candidate pairs at the 2020 Regional Election in the midst of a non-covid-19 disaster.
Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - In monitoring the factual verification (verfak) stage of support for individual candidates for the 2020 elections that take place from June 24 to July 12, 2020, Bawaslu finds support from the state civil apparatus (ASN) and election organizers. Coordinator of the Supervision and Socialization Division of Bawaslu M.
Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - Bawaslu has sent 369 reports of violations of the neutrality of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) Pilkada 2020 to the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN). The violation report was the result of the supervision of Bawaslu from 1 January - 15 June 2020.
Jakarta- Election Supervisory Body - Bawaslu Member Fritz Edward Siregar asserted, the process of handling violations of the abuse of authority of regional heads and local government officials for the interests of the elections regulated in Article 71 of Law Number 10 of 2016 on Election of Governors, Regents and Mayors or commonly referred to as the Election Law will still be enforced.