Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - Bawaslu member Fritz Edward Siregar said the need for the work of three state institutions, namely the KPU, Bawaslu, and the KPK in mitigating alleged criminal violations of money politics in elections and elections.
According to him, this was done to facilitate enforcement and avoid overlapping enforcement of election or election criminal offenses. Because all this time, he acknowledged, Bawaslu was often seen as stepping over other institutions is cracking down on alleged violations of election crimes.
"Maybe I think, the cooperation between Bawaslu, KPU and KPK are needed in upholding the sovereignty of the election," Fritz said in an international online discussion entitled 'Prevention of Fraud and Corruption in Election Implementation', in Jakarta, Thursday (06/25/2020).
Furthermore, the man who had been a teacher at STIH Jentera emphasized that Bawaslu determined a violation of election criminal cases based on the provisions in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections. He believes that Bawaslu can't crack down on election criminal findings by overstepping the authority of other law enforcement agencies.
"Bawaslu determines cases always refer to 2 things. First is whether the action falls within the authority of Bawaslu or outside the authority of Bawaslu," he said.
KPK PJKAKI Director Sujanarko hopes that his institution (KPK), KPU, and Bawaslu can sit together to mitigate alleged money politics. This also emphasizes the authority of the two institutions in terms of taking action against violations of money politics, especially those carried out by incumbents.
"In my opinion, the KPK and Bawaslu can map alleged violations of money politics," he hoped.
Keep in mind, this time the online discussion was also attended by William and Marry Law School USA Prof. Rebecca Green, Menkopolhukam Prof. Mahfud MD, and KPK Chairperson represented by KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Gufron.
Editor: Mustofa Hadi
Photographer: Rama Agusta