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Election Supervisory Body Criticizes Candidate Registration During the Pandemic Period

Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - Election Supervisory Body member Fritz Edward Siregar criticized the health requirements of candidate pairs at the 2020 Regional Election in the midst of a non-covid-19 disaster.


Perppu on Postponing Local Elections are Issued, KPU Must Prepare PKPU Stages Revision

Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - Chairman of the Election Supervisory Body Abhan said, the KPU must immediately prepare a revision of the KPU Regulation (PKPU) in the election stage to ensure certainty of the continuing implementation of the delayed 2020 elections.


Bawaslu Singgung Akses Silon dan Diksi Panwaslu Saat Uji Publik PKPU

Jakarta, Badan Pengawas Pemilihan Umum – Anggota Bawaslu Fritz Edward Siregar mengkritisi belum maksimalnya akses Bawaslu dalam Sistem Informasi Pencalonan (Silon) dan penggunaan diksi Panwaslu, meski Bawaslu tingkat kabupaten/kota telah terbentuk secara permanen kepada KPU.

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