Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - As of August 12, 2020, there were allegations of violations of the 2020 Pilkada with a total of 1,098 cases, findings from election supervisors were 904 cases and reports of 194 cases. Election Supervisory Body member Ratna Dewi Pettalolo said that the alleged violation was in the factual verification stage of support from individual candidates and the matching and research stages for the preparation of the voter list.
"Election Supervisory Body has found 904 cases and reports of 194 cases. We have not yet reached the nomination stage, the campaign stage, the counting process. So, this must be our concern," said Dewi at the Political Dynasties and Democracy Webinar held by The Indonesian Institute in Jakarta., Thursday (27/8/2020).
The Coordinator of the Enforcement Division explained that out of a total of 1094 cases, 242 cases were suspected of administrative violations. The trend is that the announcement of Ad hoc organizer selection does not comply with the provisions. Alleged violations of the code of ethics in 57 cases with a trend of PPS / PPK providing support to prospective candidates. There were 14 election criminal offenses with the trend of faking the support of individual candidate pairs.
"There were 528 other legal violations with the trend of ASN providing political support through social media and taking the approach of registering with political parties and 260 non-violation cases," explained the woman from Palu, Central Sulawesi.
With this data on the handling of violations, continued Dewi, Election Supervisory Body was able to take anticipatory steps. This is because there is a tendency for officials or the bureaucracy to take actions that benefit one of the pairs of candidates, such as providing social assistance that is distributed on the day of the election stage using bureaucratic apparatus, conducting official replacement programs, appointing CPNS.
"This is what we will focus on monitoring. So it is very important to carry out maximum supervision of incumbent candidate pairs or those who have kinship with regional heads or officials in power, "he said.
Therefore, Election Supervisory Body makes efforts to prevent violations. First, socialization of statutory regulations. "Disseminating statutory provisions relating to the prohibition of using programs or activities as well as taking actions that benefit one candidate pair," explained Dewi.
Jakarta, General Election Supervisory Body - As of August 12, 2020, there were allegations of violations of the 2020 Pilkada with a total of 1,098 cases, findings from election supervisors were 904 cases and reports of 194 cases. Election Supervisory Body member Ratna Dewi Pettalolo said that the alleged violation was in the factual verification stage of support from individual candidates and the matching and research stages for the preparation of the voter list.
" Election Supervisory Body has found 904 cases and reports of 194 cases. We have not yet reached the nomination stage, the campaign stage, the counting process. So, this must be our concern," said Dewi at the Political Dynasties and Democracy Webinar held by The Indonesian Institute in Jakarta. , Thursday (27/8/2020).
The Coordinator of the Enforcement Division explained that out of a total of 1094 cases, 242 cases were suspected of administrative violations. The trend is that the announcement of the Ad hoc organizer selection does not comply with the provisions. Alleged violations of the code of ethics in 57 cases with a trend of PPS / PPK providing support to prospective candidates. There were 14 election criminal offenses with the trend of faking the support of individual candidate pairs.
"There were 528 other legal violations with the trend of ASN providing political support through social media and taking the approach of registering with political parties and 260 non-violation cases," explained the woman from Palu, Central Sulawesi.
With this data on the handling of violations, continued Dewi, Election Supervisory Body was able to take anticipatory steps. This is because there is a tendency for officials or the bureaucracy to take actions that benefit one of the pairs of candidates, such as providing social assistance that is distributed on the day of the election stage using bureaucratic apparatus, conducting official replacement programs, appointing CPNS .
"This is what we will focus on monitoring. So it is very important to carry out maximum supervision of incumbent candidate pairs or those who have kinship with regional heads or officials in power," he said.
Therefore, Election Supervisory Body makes efforts to prevent violations. First, socialization of statutory regulations. "Disseminating statutory provisions relating to the prohibition of using programs or activities as well as taking actions that benefit one candidate pair," explained Dewi.
Fotografer : Christina Kartikawati Editor : Jaa Pradana