Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - Bawaslu oversees the simultaneous Click Movement conducted by the KPU on July 15, 2020. As a result, it was found that the channel site http://www.lindungihakpilihmu.kpu.go.id/ has not met the needs of voters. The site cannot be accessed maximally, uses more complicated procedures, and does not update the 2019 general election voter list (DPT) data.
Chairman of the Election Supervisory Body Abhan explained the findings of the Election Supervisory Body find evidence of the efforts of the KPU technical team known intentionally not using the website channel. This was known when he was checking his data when attending the launch of the Inauguration Click Movement and the Matching and Research Movement (Coklit) Simultaneously at the KPU Office, Wednesday (07/15/2020).
"The KPU technical team is known to not use http://www.lindungihakpilihmu.kpu.go.id/, but directly entered through the Sidalih database system (Voter Information Data System)," Abhan said in Jakarta, Thursday (07/16/2020).
He suspected this to be proof that the channel http://www.lindungihakpilihmu.kpu.go.id/ as the implementation of the Simultaneous Click Movement launched by the KPU had not yet been fully developed. As a result, this movement did not answer the needs of people who want to check their rights as voters in the 2020 Simultaneous Election.
Bawaslu continued Abhan, also carried out a mapping of 5,485 points/locations in 237 districts/cities in 32 provinces that carried out the Simultaneous Regional Election in 2020. The result was 4,134 points/locations or 75 percent experienced problems and length of access to http: //www.lindungpartpilihmu .kpu.go.id /. Because of this obstacle, the status of voters who have been registered or not yet registered cannot be ascertained.
"While 1,351 points/locations or 25 percent did not experience problems," said the Coordinator of the HR Division and the Bawaslu Organization.