Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - Bawaslu member Rahmat Bagja said that until August 21, 2020, Bawaslu had received 52 applications for the 2020 simultaneous regional elections dispute resolution. The number consisted of 6 'online' applications and 46 direct applications.
According to him, as many as 46 applications were registered, 3 applications were not registered, and 3 applications were not accepted. Of the 46 applications registered, he continued, 43 cases have been tried and 3 cases will be decided.
"In the dispute request, Bawaslu accepts the application online." If the applicant has difficulty visiting the Bawaslu office, then the application can be made online and then the application letter is submitted. Furthermore, Bawaslu can follow up, "he said when speaking at a webinar held by the Legal Aid Agency. and People's Advocacy (BBHAR) PDI Perjuangan, Wednesday (9/9/2020).
The Coordinator of the Bawaslu Dispute Resolution Division revealed that according to Bawaslu Regulation (Perbawaslu) Number 2 of 2020 concerning Pilkada Dispute Resolution Procedures, acceptance of requests for dispute resolution is carried out in two ways, namely directly and indirectly. He explained that the receipt of applications is indirectly done through the Dispute Resolution Information System (SIPS) application.
"Petitioners can submit their application, which is three days from the issuance of the KPU's official report or decision letter," said the man who is familiarly called Bagja.
He revealed that the dispute resolution mechanism between the election organizer and the election participants was carried out by a deliberation mechanism no later than 12 calendar days from the time the application was registered. In Perbawaslu 2 of 2020, Bagja demonstrated open deliberations and closed deliberations.
"If in the closed deliberation process no consensus is reached, then the dispute settlement will be continued by open deliberation," he explained.
He emphasized that disputes between election participants were carried out by means of a fast event dispute resolution mechanism. "The period for completion is no longer than 3 days from the time the application is received by the Provincial Bawaslu, Regency/City Bawaslu, or the District Election Supervisory Committee," he said.
Bagja added, currently there is Perbawaslu Number 4 of 2020 concerning Supervision, Handling of Violations and Continuous Election Dispute Resolution in Covid-19 Non-Natural Disaster Conditions.
Bagja also reminded the potential vulnerability of the 2020 Pilkada amid the Covid-19 pandemic, including the risk of contracting the Covid-19 virus for organizers, participants, and the public. "The use of government facilities and programs in overcoming community difficulties, especially for the incumbent, the difficult economic conditions of the community during the Covid-19 pandemic opened up space for money politics, community participation in monitoring and exercising voting rights decreased," he said.
Bagja said in the 2020 Local Election Vulnerability Index (IKP Pilkada), the highest provinces were in North Sulawesi (86.42), Central Sulawesi (81.05). For districts / cities, the highest IKP is in Manokwari (80.89), Mamuju (78.01), and Makassar City (74.94).
"At the moment there is a IKP Pilkada. We are trying to reduce the vulnerability index, if this happens it will be a problem going forward. We are trying to overcome the various possibilities that occur so that what we are worried about does not happen, "he hoped.
Editor: Ranap THS