Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - Bawaslu member Fritz Edward Siregar revealed that face-to-face campaigns are still a weapon for candidate pairs (candidate pairs) to gain votes in the 2020 Pilkada. This can be seen from the data on the results of Bawaslu supervision in the first ten days since the campaign stage. starting 26 September 2020.
"According to the data, Bawaslu found face-to-face campaigns still occur in 256 districts / cities (95 percent) even though there is already a ban according to PKPU, and only 14 districts / cities campaign using the online method," he explained during a dialogue on Utilizing Digital Space for Pilkada Campaigns. 2020 at the TVRI Jakarta Building, Thursday (08/10/2020).
Fritz explained that out of 256 districts / cities that held the face-to-face meeting, Bawaslu found 237 suspected health protocol violations in 59 districts/cities. From this case, Bawaslu has given 70 warning letters and two letters to postpone the election campaign.
"In the first ten days of this campaign, we have found 237 suspected health protocol violations and Bawaslu has sent 70 letters of warning and 2 letters of postponement of the campaign," explained the Coordinator of the Bawaslu Legal, Public Relations, Data and Information Division.
In fact, he said, it was clear that there was a prohibition contained in PKPU 13 of 2020. Some campaign activities prohibited by the regulation read (a) general meeting; (b) cultural activities in the form of performing arts, big harvest, and/or music concerts; (c) sports activities in the form of leisurely walks, and/or relaxing bicycles; (d) competitions; (e) social activities in the form of a bazaar and/or blood donation; and/or (f) anniversary of political parties.
In addition, said the man from Medan, North Sumatra, during the first ten days of this campaign, Bawaslu had also received 17 cases of alleged violations on social media (social media), 8 cases of alleged money politics, and 8 cases of misuse of government facilities.
Fritz views that the candidate pairs continue to carry out face-to-face campaigns because they doubt that online campaigns will not get the sympathy of voters. However, that doubt cannot be used as an excuse.
"To convey the vision, mission, and program of the candidate pairs, it can be done in other ways that have been set or arranged by the organizer, one of which is the online campaign method," said Fritz.
He also emphasized that in this case Bawaslu continues to appeal to candidate pairs to be able to avoid or not carry out face-to-face campaigns that can present large crowds.
"Bawaslu also appealed to the candidate pairs to continue campaigning with the regulated method. I am sure that online campaigns can also convey the vision, mission and programs as a whole, "said Fritz
Editor: Jaa Pradana