Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - The emergence of a COVID-19 or coronavirus outbreak has delayed several stages of the 2020 elections. Supervision work has also hampered to make election supervisors with Ad Hoc status must be deactivated first.
Through letter number 0255/K.BAWASLU/TU.00.00/III/2020 and Circular Letter Number 0252/K.BAWASLU/PM.00.00/3/2020 it is notified of the temporary dismissal of the Sub-District level Supervisory Committee (Panwascam) and the Supervisory Committee of the Village from the postponement Simultaneous local elections in 2020.
Chairman of the Election Supervisory Body Abhan said the ad hoc election supervisors who had been inaugurated or whose inauguration had been delayed had been inactive. Also, Abhan explained that the matter of the honorarium would also be carried out later when the supervisory work began.
"The Sub-district Supervisory Committee inaugurated, as of March 31, they were deactivated when that period there was no supervisory duty performed. So the honorarium was paid only in March 2020," Abhan said in Jakarta, Friday (3/4/2020).
Whereas the Village Supervisory Committee that appointed after March 14, 2020, was not given a March 2020 honorarium. The Village Supervisory Committee that appointed before March 15, 2020, will be given honorarium in March 2020.
Abhan said that during the temporary dismissal of the Sub-District Supervisory Committee and the Village Supervisory Committee, no honorarium given. However, operational costs such as building/office rent, furniture rental, office equipment rental, power subscription, and services can still be paid.
"I hope this disaster will be over quickly so that the ranks of supervisors for the 2020 elections can be active again and carry out their duties and functions," he said.
Editor: Jaa Pradana
Photographer: Muhtar