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Verifikasi Faktual

Six Points Prone to Stages of the Nomination of Simultaneous Election of 2020

Jakarta, Election Supervisory Agency - Bawaslu member Ratna Dewi Pettalolo revealed there are six vulnerable points in the stage of nominating the Simultaneous Election of 2020. Registration of regional head candidates to the KPU will be held on 4-6 September 2020.


Launching the Latest IKP Election, Vulnerability Increases

Jakarta, Election Supervisory Body - Bawaslu launched the latest Election 2020 Election Vulnerability Index (IKP) of Election, as well as 2020 Election Supervisory. In the data collected by Bawaslu, the level of local election vulnerability increased due to the outbreak of COVID-19 infection.

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Zona Integritas Bawaslu