Chairman of Bawaslu Abhan/Photo: Public Relations of Bawaslu RI
Jakarta, The General Election Supervisory Agency (BAWASLU)- Chairman Bawaslu Abhan appreciated the launch of the monitoring report of theRegional Elections 2020 by the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM). According to him, this report can be included as a point of view on the fulfillment of political and health rights based on the values of human rights principles 'free and fair elections'.
Abhan said that in carrying out local elections in non-natural disaster conditions due to the covid-19 pandemic is not easy. He added Bawaslu and KPU need support from many stakeholders, central and local governments in carrying out tasks, functions and authorities related to prevention, supervision and enforcement.
"This report can be one of the references to make synergy and collaboration between election organizers, especially Bawaslu to find inputs and suggestions on the fulfillment of human rights principles related to political rights and healthy rights, specifically the principles of free and fair elections," said the Coordinator of bawaslu's Division of Organization and Human Resources in an online webinar in Jakarta, Friday (5/3/2021).
Abhan explained, Bawaslu have prioritized and paid attention to the values of human rights and the enforcement of electoral law to all relevant parties. "If we see the views of komnas HAM through its report, then in the future this can be input and advice so that the implementation of elections can be better, especially related to the fulfillment of human rights," he said.
He asserted that Bawaslu will always be ready, open, and enthusiastic to collaborate in the improvement of Election Monitoring Report 2020 by Komnas HAM. Hopefully, democracy in Indonesia can continue to uphold human rights and human values in politics can be realized.
Komnas HAM delivered a number of recommendations related to evaluation in the monitoring report of regional elections 2020, making a stronger centralized policy in handling the covid-19 pandemic. Komas HAM also encouraged the Kemendagri to make electoral laws more adaptive to covid, while encouraging Bawaslu, Polri, Jaksa Agung to evaluate the regulation of joint regulations in improving the effectiveness of enforcement.
Other recommendations related to guarantee of health rights for officers or election organizers, voters and the general public whom affect by COVID-19 from the election cluster. Lastly related to the health of the officers, especially the group of voting organizers (KPPS) that need to be considered in the future.
Translator: Fernanda Alice
Editor: Ranap THS