Jakarta, The General Election Supervisory Agency (BAWASLU) - The member of Bawaslu Fritz Edward Siregar mentioned five potential problems of Simultaneous Elections in 2024. He mentioned it when he was the speaker of the National Webinar of the Association of Teachers of Constitutional Law and State Administrative Law (APHTN-HAN) in Jakarta, Wednesday (03/03/2021).
First, Fritz says about electoral governance of five ballot boxes simultaneously. "Electoral governance of these five ballot boxes could be a potential problem because they are simultaneously in the same place and time," said the lecturer of non-active Constitutional Law at the Indonesian Law School of Jentera (STHI Jentera).
The second potential problem was the tangent between the presidential electoral regime and regional electoral regime. According to him,It has potential problems because these two regimes are regulated in different laws. "This also affects the handling of violations by Bawaslu," he said.
Fritz continued, the third potential problem related to the disproportionate workload of the election organizers due to the large workload carried out. "The four potentials that may appear surface is the number of Executor of duties (Plt) or Temporary officials (Pjs) regional heads if presidential elections and regional head elections are combined in the same year. I estimate it could be up to 350 more Plt or Pjs regional heads if presidential elections and regional head elections are made one time in 2024,"
Then, the fifth potential problem is the vote count can not be ontime because of many ballot boxes. For him, this can affectedto the set of stage time.
In this event, there were also Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Mahfud MD, Chairman of ICMI / Chairman of DPD RI Jimly Asshiddiqie, and General Secretary of the Constitutional Court Prof. Guntur Hamzah.Editor: Ranap THS
Translator: Fernanda Alice
Editor: Ranap THS
Fotografer: Irwan