Submitted by Ira Sasmita on

Serpong, Election Supervisory Board - Chairman Election Supervisory Board of the Republic of Indonesia, Nasrullah in unannounced visits to South Tangerang Municipality, Thursday (15/10) found a few banners and billboards allegedly used as covert campaign props by the incumbent candidate in the election of South Tangerang Mayor. Because it was in contrary to the Regulation of Election Commission No. 7 of 2015 concerning Campaign of Simultaneous Election for Local Leaders 2015, Nasrullah asked the props should be immediately curbed.

Nasrullah said that the Regulation of Election Commission clearly stipulated that during the campaign period, props attached only props were made and installed by the Provincial or Regency / Municipality Election Commission. The pair of candidates was also prohibited from using the facility and local government budgets for the campaign.

However, Nasrullah continued that some banners and billboards installed on several roads in Serpong allegedly used by certain pair candidate. There were billboards made by work units (SKPD) in South Tangerang, but they contained the names and photos of a particular candidate pair.

"Election Supervisory Board thinks this should be addressed because it is considered a violation. First, the props mounted should be only those issued the Commission. Second, it is prohibited to use facilities and budget of local government for the campaign," said Nasrullah.

If the work units and governments had to install billboards, banners and billboards to socialize any programs, they did not need to include the face or the name of the regional leaders. Especially if the regional leaders competed again in the election and had been established as candidate in election for local leaders.

"It does not have to show the photograph, the message can be still delivered. If they have been already installed, they should be disciplined in accordance with the Regulation of Election Commission as the reference in this election," said Nasrullah.

Regulation of Election Commission on the election campaign, he added, had progressively organized the implementation of a fair campaign for each pair of candidate. Therefore, Nasrullah thought that the South Tangerang Commission Election and local Civil Service Police Unit should immediately discipline the campaign props that violated the Regulation of Election Commission No. 7/2015 ,

In the an unannouced inspection jointly conducted with the South Tangerang Supervisory Committee and the Election Supervisory Committee of Serpong Sub-district, Nasrullah requested that props campaign that violated the regulation had to be immediately taken down. After coordination with the South Tangerang Election Commission and Work Units in charge of the installation of billboards, a billboard in Jalan Pahlawan, South Tangerang was successfully taken down.

The banners and billboards installed at some other point in the city of South Tangerang, Nasrullah asked the Commission and local governments to immediately discipline them. Nasrullah put in the mind of the misuse of facilities and local government budgets for campaigning could lead to criminal sanctions.

"We ask that campaign props at some other point that violate the Regulation of Election Commission must be immediately taken down. We instruct the South Tangerang Supervisory Committee to immediately coordinate with other stakeholders, as this could have entered the criminal case if the campaign of certain pairs of candidate uses the local budget," said Nasrullah.

Author: Ira Sasmita

Billboard yang dipasang pemda namun memuat nama dan foto pasangan calon petahana Pilwalkot Tangsel
billboard ditertibkan oleh Bawaslu RI, Panwaslu Tangsel, Panwascam Serpong berkoordinasi dengan KPU Tangsel dan pemda