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The Chairman of Election Supervisory Board, Muhammad, when serving as a guest speaker at the National Seminar on Election in Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University, Yogyakarta, Saturday (17/10). Muhammad revealed about the meaning of supervision of election for local leaders for the development of democracy in Indonesia.

Yogyakarta, Election Supervisory Board - Election is a process of peaceful change of power, and is performed regularly in accordance with the principles outlined by the constitution. Thus, the elections characterized by violence, intimidation and destruction indicates that the election / election for local leaders has been already out of the essence of election.

''So when the blood is shed or if there is a fighting, the destruction of Office of Supervisory Committee or Office of Regent/ Mayor, it means that it has been out of a democratic election,'' said Chairman of the Election Supervisory Board of the Republic of Indonesia, Muhammad, when serving as the Speaker at the National Seminar at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Saturday (17/10). On this occasion, Muhammad brought a topic: ''The meaning of the supervision of election / election for local leaders for the development to democracy in Indonesia''.

 In addition, he also said that, the participants of the election / election for local leaders had to follow the guidelines of the Election Commission. The Constitution has already explained that the organizers of the election namely the Election Commission and Election Supervisory Board as the supervisors.

“If a participant of the election do not want to regulated, do not participate in the election. The rules are already clear,'' he said.

In addition, Muhammad said that the election is an institution and at the same time a political practice that allows the establishment of a government representative. In this case it refers to the simultaneous election for local leaders to be elected directly by the people.

He emphasized that if this (direct election for local leaders) was a best choice, the real test would be seen on the 9th December. According to his opinion, this direct election for local leaders would be the right choice, but would not be necessarily the best.

''If the political rights of citizens are really guaranteed, the election participants are given the same treatment, and the Election Supervisory Board and Election Commission are neutral I think it would be the right and best option,'' added Muhammad.

He also expressed the function of election for local leaders as a legitimate means for citizens to re-elect or replace their leaders to govern in peace and with dignity. Election for local leaders also gave the citizens the best chance to lead a region. Who are those best citizens? They did not necessarily from the political parties, and they could be the citizens from independent paths

Meanwhile, Deputy Dean of UMY, Muhtar Zuhdi said that the democracy in Indonesia through election / election for local leaders would be flawed if there was still a fraud committed by the participants, organizers or society as the voters. The impact of the flawed democracy could be seen with the rise of money politics conducted by the participants.

''We call money Politics as a temporary 'benefactor politics' because of the political interests hidden inside. People seem to have become an object of a practice which potentially destructs the democracy,'' he explained.


Author    :    Irwan

Editor    :    Falcao Silaban